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Acupuncture is a time-honored therapeutic practice rooted in Traditional Chinese medicine.


Acupuncture is an effective technique involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body. These points align with energy pathways, or meridians, through which Qi, the body's vital energy, fluids, and other vital nutrients, flows.


What is the goal of your acupuncture treatment? To restore balance and harmony to your body's energy flow.


Acupuncture is renowned for its holistic approach. We target not only your specific concerns, but also consider your overall well-being, examining lifestyle, stress, and emotions to tailor a comprehensive treatment plan.


What to expect from your acupuncture session: 


Your acupuncture treatment begins with a comprehensive health history intake. This conversation is important, as it helps us to understand your overall health, concerns, and your goals. We will talk about your medical history, lifestyle habits, sleep patterns, digestion, stress levels, and any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing. This conversation allows us to tailor the treatment specifically to your needs so that you can get your best result. 


Now that the intake is done, your acupuncture session begins. You will lie down comfortably on my table, and we will do an examination of pulse and tongue (common diagnostic tools in Traditional Chinese Medicine), and then select the acupuncture points that are most effective for your condition.


The acupuncture needles are much thinner than hypodermic needles—about the width of a human hair. Most people feel little to no discomfort when the needles are inserted, though you might feel a slight pinch or a tingling sensation as the needle reaches the acupuncture point.


Your acupuncture points may cause you to feel sensations of warmth, pressure, or a gentle, soothing tingling known as "Qi" moving through your body.

The needles are typically retained for about 15-30 minutes.


During this time, you’ll relax with soft lighting and soothing music. It’s common for patients to feel deeply relaxed, even drifting into a light sleep during this period.


Your session may include cupping or gua sha too: 


In addition to acupuncture, your treatment may include other modalities such as cupping or gua sha. Cupping involves placing small glass or silicone cups on the skin to create suction, which helps improve circulation, relieve muscle tension, and promote healing. The sensation of cupping can vary from a gentle pull to a more intense pressure, but it is generally relaxing and soothing.


Gua Sha, on the other hand, is a technique where we use a smooth tool to gently scrape the skin, typically on the back, neck, or shoulders. This helps break up tension, increase circulation, and reduce inflammation. 


By the end of the session, you may feel lighter, more centered, and deeply relaxed. Each treatment is customized, and follow-up appointments are often recommended to achieve the best results, especially for chronic conditions.


When seeking acupuncture, it's crucial to consult with a licensed acupuncturist and experienced practitioner. Call Joanne to set up your Discovery Call today. 

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