Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Enhance and preserve your natural beauty with the Mei Zen Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture Series.
Joanne is proud to offer cosmetic facial acupuncture as a natural solution to reduce signs of aging and improve skin conditions at her Denver acupuncture clinic.
This treatment uses acupuncture needles to stimulate the production of NEW collagen and elastin The results are firmer, smoother skin, reduction of fine lines, depths and length of wrinkles, and lightening of dark circles and baggy eyes.
This system delivers amazing results, preserving your skins firm and bouncy qualities, and preventing the dreaded sagging.
The protocol consists of 10 sessions total, administered twice per week for 5 weeks. Best results are seen when this protocol is followed as collagen and elastin deposits become permanent at about 4-5 weeks.
To ensure a completely holistic experience, you will also receive a custom mini body treatment with acupuncture as well. Joanne will also advise additional rejuvenation techniques, such as dermal rolling or microneedling.
Joanne will create a custom facial rejuvenation for plan just for you during your initial consultation. Just fill out the contact form or reach out directly via phone/text.